Monday, March 7, 2011

Small Craft Building - 1.Preparation

After 2 weeks break, we started builng a small boat called "Dory".

1.Team Up

Before the break, all of us teamed up and that made us all 3 teams. Each team has 5 team members except "the A team" which has 4 members.


After we teamed up, we had a discussion on some issues from  the project and team working and Sevastien made a short presentation. It was mostly about work code - Punctuality, Safety, Cooperation and Attitude things.


* Cutting List

We completed the list above as a cutting list. But I think it's more like a parts list because some parts in the photo needs more process than cutting. So if we knew that how those parts are made, then, we could have more detailed cutting list.

And I think we missed 2 oars in cutting list above.

* Project Management(PM)
As we all know that time is money in the project, time managment is quite essential and important.
For good Project Management plan, we need to find out some information like these.

- What parts do we need?
- What processes do we take to get the part?
- How long does it take to process the part on average?
- Is there any co-relation or sequential order between process?

These must be the very basic for the planning. But, thing is that we just started the building and we don't have any vague idea on those informations. So we skipped the PM thing.

But I did simplified PM plan for example since we've gone through some process in the project and it's below.

I am still working on this and at last posting on Dory, I will update plan with estimation of each working hours(Skilled and no screw up basis).

Link to Excel file.

Remember that this is just one simplified example of Project Planning. It's part oriented and each part has Items and sub-items to do(Jobs).

Work hours consists of 2 different hours.

- MH: Conceptual Hour. 1MH means that the work can be done by one person for an hour. So it can be shortened if it's done by more menpower.
- PH: Physical Hour. Unlike MH, PH can'be easily shortened.(eg.Glue drying / Steaming / Delivery Time)
And the plan above doesn't indicate co-relation or sequential order between jobs(From top to bottom, it looks sequential and I tried that way) but you should compose the plan considering job relation.

This is weakness of Excel for PM thing, so we need to add graphical sequential symbol(arrow things or extra explanation about process) directly to Excel or can use other graphical sequential application like VISIO(as a supplementary) or professional PM tools. Nevertheless, the reason why I used Excel is that it is quite simple and has a strength in categorizing work.

Well, looking back at this moment, I think calculation was the one of the most important parts.
Calculation for material invovles thorough understatning of plans, processing methods and some other informations.

If we don't know how all those parts are made, we can't calculate the material we need.

- Laminating(Stem, Fashion Piece, Midship Frame)
- Bottom & Transom Planking - 12mm Plywood cutting and scarfing
- Temporary Frame - **mm Particle Boart cutting and gluing.

So, for the project and project planning, at this stage of calculation, we should understand the plan, each processing methods, material and processing time for the material, then we could calculate the material and finalize the PM schedule(But project schedule is always revised during the project period.^^;;;;;;;;)

Project doesn't go always as you planned. Extra cost, delay and so on. We can reschedule when there's change but there's always invariables like due date, budget and so on. So, rather than rescheduling, it's better to set some compensation buffer when being scheduled.

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