Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tool Box

It was first time to write a post with photos and I found a certain aspect of VOX UI sucks and it doesn't fully support Opera browser, so I had to open IE. Took me quite some time to realize that.

These are general appearance of tool box and it seems quite okay at a distance but with a closer look, it's total disaster due to each or combination of some factors like lack of tool skills, machining, understanding directions and so on.

You might think that these dings are from poor hammering but it is not.

There's no need for hammering on this side and it's from careless handling of material and surroundings. When I do assemble those parts on the workbench, I didn't check whether it was cleaned. There were some wood chips or some other things on the workbench and these are the reason why I got those dings, I think.

These are view of bottom joints and apparently I failed to meet tolerance which is cardboard thickness in both end sides but it looks okay with side panels. I filled those gaps with wood dusts not just to cover up, but to make it up.

Now, here comes total disaster parts. Handle joints.

During chiseling, it just broke and split. It's much more desirable to cut upper part(to apex) after chiseling, so that it could hold and not to be easily broken.

As a finishing, tape holder is attached.

And I also failed in meeting tolerance of two ends and two sides joints.
And below is a draft of marking shcedule of mine and still working on it

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