Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Idea on small craft building.

While I was building a boat, I came up with vague idea of how we set the frames.
We built one for dory and two for Shaw 550. Every time we did it, I thought there's some chances of wasting time and material.

So what if we could set the frames on reusable and adjustable base?
It's just concept and I haven't developed it to details. It contains faulty features but the idea is the concept of adjustable(adaptable to any proper size boat) and reusable.

It consists of 3 components.
Rail System Base, Rail Frame Base and Frame Holders.

Rail system base is fixed onto the floor in workshop. On this base, Rail Frame base moves side to side. Rail System Base has a rule on its top face, with this measure, we fix the Rail Frame Base. Rail Frame Base has its self leveling knob and leveling bubble and with this, we could set it leveled and locked leveled.

Frame Holder can be added or removed depending on numbers of station and it moves forward and after. Frame will sit on here and it also has self leveling knob and leveling bubble.

With this Rail System,,
It's easier to level the frames, once it's leveled, then no need to level it again.(Once leveled you only need to mark the point on the leveling knob, then, later a lot easier to level it)

No need to set up and remove wooden base braces.
No need for wooden wedge.
Since it's adjustable to a certain size of boat, no time waste for setting up the frames.

I need to develop this idea to find whether it's practical and economical but for blog posting, I summarized just to this.

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