Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Portfolio Things.

For portfolio, we did it as a team and for some topics separately.

As three members of my former team were gone, I joined the team with Goran, Taz, Harrison, Eran.
So portfolio subject 1, 2, 3 were covered by other members as Goran commented on his blog(http://goran-a-g.blogspot.com/2011/07/group-work.html).

Subject 5 was my task and link to the subject is as below.

Portfolio subject No.4 was individual task and it's about how we could develop written communication and computer adaptive skills and prove it.

I think we all developed and proved those skills by doing blog postings on everyday's learning and reflection and also through composing manual and other documents on Google docs.

So first, we had to organize all digital files including photos and videos to compose blog postings. Then we had to edit all the source files into proper size(file size & resolution). We also needed to upload some files to the 3rd party service provider like YouTube. And we published it by digital means including blogger.com, Google Docs, YouTube and more.

To do this, I used web browser, MS Project/Opern Project, Google Docs, YouTube, MS Power Point, MS Excel, Photo Editing application, video editing and converting application and more.

Every  thing must be published through digital means, we had adapt ourselves that way.

So I think all the postings and documents on Google docs are good example of how we developed those written communication and computer adaptive skills.

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